Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Need OBITS from Orange Leader Newspaper or other at the time &/or surrounding areas

Gertrude Ham Barton 11/92 ?poss death cert too?
William Walker Barton “Billy” 12/91
William Edward Barton “Curry” 12/79

Lera Lawis Coon 3/92
Gerald Dean Coon 2/78
Mark Rayford Coon 11/82

William Ernest Blue 8/87 ?poss death cert too?
Eva Dell Stevens Blue 3/56 ?poss death cert too?

Mary Louise Mulford Stevens 1991

Need OBITS from Ft Worth or surrounding papers:

Dorothy Hickman Dumas Jones
Samuel Verdell Jones

Robert Mose Dumas 9/1992

Weaver James Hickman 9/78 ?poss death cert too?
(Frenchy)???? I have name somewhere…maybe on headstone at cemetery??
**I may have some of these already but was just going off the top of my head just now while I’m thinking about it.

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